1. When Does Human Life Have Value? | The Value of Human Life
This video contains sensitive topics and may not be suitable for younger age viewers. When does life start? Does it start at birth or in the womb? Join Daniel Stearsman as he looks at the conception of life and what scripture has to say about the value of a human life.
2. Abortion & The Overturn of Roe | The Value of Human Life
This video contains sensitive topics and may not be suitable for younger age viewers. There are few topics as divisive as abortion. Everybody has their own opinions on the politics and morality of abortion. But what do the scriptures say about it? Does God care about abortion? Join Daniel Stearsman as he discusses the ethical decisions involving abortion and what God has to say about it.
3. Contraception and IUDs | The Value of Human Life
This video contains sensitive topics and may not be suitable for younger age viewers. It is always a sad thing when a couple wants to have children but is unable to. Today couples facing this issue have the option to undergo fertility treatments. Although these treatments can be successful, they do come with their own ethical considerations. Join Daniel Stearsman as he discusses IVF and the ethical dilemmas to take into consideration when choosing which fertility treatments to pursue.
4. Assisted Reproduction & In Vitro Fertilization | The Value of Human Life
This video contains sensitive topics and may not be suitable for younger age viewers. There are so many different options for contraceptives it can be a daunting task to pick one. Does it even matter which contraceptive we choose? As Christians, are there any moral matters we must take into consideration when deciding on a contraceptive? Join Daniel Stearsman as he discusses the different kinds of contraceptives and the ethics surrounding them.
5. Euthanasia and Physician Assisted Suicide | The Value of Human Life
This video contains sensitive topics and may not be suitable for younger age viewers. Chronic and/or terminal illnesses are hard for everyone involved. They are difficult on the family and especially difficult for the one who is sick. Some have a hard time coping with the difficulty and think it would be easier to turn to Physician Assisted Suicide or Euthanasia. But what does the Bible have to say about this? Join Daniel Stearsman as he looks to the scriptures to see what the Bible says about Physician Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia.
6. Withholding and Withdrawing Treatment | The Value of Human Life
This video contains sensitive topics and may not be suitable for younger age viewers. Modern medicine has made many advancements over the past several decades. With these advancements have come the ability to prolong a life in cases that would have been terminal before. But what if someone does not want to receive treatment to prolong their life? Is it immoral to refuse treatment? Join Daniel Stearsman as he discusses the morality of stopping treatment.
The Value of Human Life Program

This program contains sensitive topics and may not be suitable for younger age viewers. Life is a precious, fragile gift. But what is the value of this gift? Does this value change depending upon the stage or circumstances that life is in? When does life start? Is it wrong to end the life of a person suffering with health issues? Join Daniel Stearsman as he uses scripture to determine the value of human life and what that means for us.