The Truth About the Apocrypha and the Lost Books of the Bible
Have you ever wondered why we have the books we do in our Bibles? Are there "lost books" that should be in the Bible? What about the Apocrypha found in Catholic Bibles? Join Don Blackwell as he looks at the background and context for recognizing the canon of inspired books in the Bible. Understanding these questions can provide confidence for your faith.
Does the Book of Enoch Belong in the Bible?
Is the book of Enoch missing from the Bible? Is it one of the lost books of the Bible? Join Don Blackwell as he looks into the content, history, and references to Enoch in considering whether it is inspired.
Are There Lost Books of the Bible?
Bible critics have long accused the Bible of being a book developed through politics and through selfish agendas of men. Are these claims true? Critics also charge that early Christians were aggressive in making sure certain writings were included in the Bible and that other writings, which they did not personally like, were excluded. Are there some teachings that were omitted? Are there books that have been lost? Join Denny Petrillo (Ph.D.) as he discusses various Bible references in light of these claims.
The Truth About the Apocrypha and Lost Books of the Bible Program

Have you ever wondered why we have the books we do in our Bibles? Are there "lost books" that should be in the Bible? What about the Apocrypha found in Catholic Bibles? Join Don Blackwell as he looks at the background and context for recognizing the canon of inspired books in the Bible. Understanding these questions can provide confidence for your faith.