Part 1: Moses the Prince | The Story of Moses
In Part 1: Moses the Prince, Glenn Colley discusses the significance of the first 40 years of Moses' life: from the providential care as a young baby through his life as a prince in Egypt.
Part 2: Moses the Shepherd | The Story of Moses
In Part 2: Moses the Shepherd, Glenn Colley tells the story of Moses' dramatic fall from royalty through the pivotal Ten Plagues and Israel's Exodus from Egypt.
Part 3: Moses the Lawgiver | The Story of Moses
In Part 3: Moses the Law Giver, Glenn Colley weaves the story of Moses' life through the crossing of the Red Sea, receiving the Law at Sinai, wandering in the wilderness and ending with God burying Moses at the edge of the Promised Land.
The Story of Moses Program

God prepared a great, powerful and epic leader to save His people. The Story of Moses tells the account and progression of Moses' life, a man to whom God spoke "face to face as a man speaks to his friend" (Ex. 33:11). Glenn Colley effectively weaves the events of Moses' life, from the providential care as a young baby, through the dramatic Egyptian exodus, to Moses' mountain-top death at the edge of the Promised Land. After watching the three segments, you will come away with a deep appreciation of God's relationship with His faithful people.