Lesson 1: There's No Place Like Home | The Christian Woman and Her Home
This program is taught by and intended for women.
Lesson 1: Creating an Orderly, Peaceful Haven. Lesson one presents advice on managing the home (1 Timothy 5:14). It includes methods for organizing and simplifying, valuable tips for getting things done, and a story promoting a positive, joyful attitude toward homemaking tasks. -
Lesson 2: Managing Time Money and Relationships | The Christian Woman and Her Home
This program is taught by and intended for women.
Lesson 2: Managing Time, Money, and Relationships. Lesson two offers guidance on problems with schedules, finances, and people. It reveals how to utilize the daily 2 ½ hours wasted by the average person; how to sow, save, and spend wisely using the 10-10-80 rule (Matthew 6:33); and practices that strengthen bonds with family and friends. -
Lesson 3: Inspiring Heavenly Love | The Christian Woman and Her Home
This program is taught by and intended for women.
Lesson 3: Developing Heavenly Love. It is possible to have an “affair-proof” marriage. Lesson three explains that “loving” one’s husband begins with understanding the differing God-given needs in males and females. It reveals how to inspire heavenly love: the most intense, spontaneous and dynamic heart-love a man can feel for a woman (Genesis 2; Ephesians 5). -
Lesson 4: Helping Your Spouse Go to Heaven | The Christian Woman and Her Home
This program is taught by and intended for women.
Lesson 4: Helping Your Spouse Go to Heaven. Married couples greatly influence each other’s eternal destination. Lesson Four reveals God’s prescription for converting the non-Christian husband and encouraging strength in the spiritually weak Christian husband (1 Peter 3:1-7). -
Lesson 5: Train Up a Child | The Christian Woman and Her Home
This program is taught by and intended for women.
Lesson 5: Training Up a Child with Love. Lesson five reveals God’s word on what “loving” our children really means. It emphasizes encouragement, affection, care, and discipline required in successful parenting. We are reminded, “It is easier to build a child than to repair a man.” -
Lesson 6: Raising Spiritually Healthy Children | The Christian Woman and Her Home
This program is taught by and intended for women.
Lesson 6: Raising Children in the Lord. This final lesson examines God’s instruction manual for raising spiritually healthy children (Deuteronomy 6:4-9). Parents must set an example for them, take daily opportunities to teach God’s word to them, and make time to participate in spiritual activities with them. Then, in our empty nest years, we can say with the apostle John, “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth” (3 John 4).
The Christian Woman and Her Home Program

This program is taught by and intended for women.
This six-lesson program explains God’s instructions that older women are to teach the younger about loving one’s husband, loving one’s children, and making a good home, “that the word of God may not be blasphemed” (Titus 2:3-5). No one laughs at well-ordered homes, strong marriages, and well-behaved children. Christian homes prove that God’s word works.