1. Introduction to the New Testament | Spotlight on the Word: New Testament
This video lesson gives a brief overview to the books of the New Testament. In it, Mike Vestal covers some of the main themes, including the importance Christians should place on the New Testament’s teaching.
2. Matthew | Spotlight on the Word: New Testament
This video lesson gives a brief overview of the New Testament book of Matthew. Mike Vestal covers some of the main events and themes of the book, including Matthew’s emphasis on Jesus the King.
3. Mark | Spotlight on the Word: New Testament
This video lesson gives a brief overview of the New Testament book of Mark. Mike Vestal covers some of the main events and themes of the book, including Mark’s emphasis on Jesus the servant of the Lord.
4. Luke | Spotlight on the Word: New Testament
This video lesson gives a brief overview of the New Testament book of Luke. Mike Vestal covers some of the main events and themes of the book, including Luke's emphasis on Jesus the Son of Man.
5. John | Spotlight on the Word: New Testament
This video lesson gives a brief overview of the New Testament book of John. Mike Vestal covers some of the main events and themes of the book, including John’s emphasis on the deity of Jesus.
6. Acts | Spotlight on the Word: New Testament
This video lesson gives a brief overview of the New Testament book of Acts. Mike Vestal covers some of the main events and themes of the book, including the fact that this book recounts a 30-year timespan that changed the world.
7. Romans | Spotlight on the Word: New Testament
This video lesson gives a brief overview of the New Testament book of Romans. Mike Vestal covers some of the main events and themes of the book and discusses how this book is a deep study of salvation.
8. 1 and 2 Corinthians | Spotlight on the Word: New Testament
This video lesson gives a brief overview of the New Testament books of 1 & 2 Corinthians. Mike Vestal covers some of the main events and themes of the books, including that Jesus and His gospel reveal to us the salvation of man and give us great comfort.
9. Galatians and Ephesians | Spotlight on the Word: New Testament
This video lesson gives a brief overview of the New Testament books of Galatians and Ephesians. Mike Vestal covers some of the main events and themes of the books, including how Jesus and His gospel free us and make us rich.
10. Philippians, Colossians and Philemon | Spotlight on the Word: New Testament
This video lesson gives a brief overview of the New Testament books of Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon. Mike Vestal covers some of the main events and themes of the books, including joy through Jesus, the preeminence of Jesus, and the art of Christian persuasion.
11. 1 and 2 Thessalonians | Spotlight on the Word: New Testament
This video lesson gives a brief overview of the New Testament books of 1 & 2 Thessalonians. Mike Vestal covers some of the main events and themes of the books, including that Jesus and His gospel make us holy and give us assurance.
12. 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus | Spotlight on the Word: New Testament
This video lesson gives a brief overview of the New Testament books of 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus. Mike Vestal covers some of the main events and themes of the books, including that the church should protect, proclaim, and live Jesus and His gospel.
13. Hebrews | Spotlight on the Word: New Testament
This video lesson gives a brief overview of the New Testament book of Hebrews. Mike Vestal covers some of the main events and themes of the book, including that the New Covenant that Jesus established is superior to any other religion or way of life.
14. James and 1 and 2 Peter | Spotlight on the Word: New Testament
This video lesson gives a brief overview of the New Testament books of James and 1 & 2 Peter. Mike Vestal covers some of the main events and themes of the books, including a faith that works, our holiness, and our growth in spiritual knowledge.
15. 1, 2, 3 John and Jude | Spotlight on the Word: New Testament
This video lesson gives a brief overview of the New Testament books of 1, 2, 3 John and Jude. Mike Vestal covers some of the main events and themes of the books, including God’s love, truth, and fellowship.
16. Revelation | Spotlight on the Word: New Testament
This video lesson gives a brief overview of the New Testament book of Revelation. Mike Vestal covers some of the main events and themes of the book, including the fact that the faithful of God win.
Spotlight on the Word | New Testament Program

The Bible is a book by God and about God and the relationship He wants to have with you. That makes it by far the world's most important book! In this basic overview of the New Testament, you'll see the awesome and wonderful character of God as you become more familiar with each of its 27 books. And you'll appreciate even more that the Word of God is about salvation through Jesus to the glory of the Father.
New: Interactive Bible Reading Plan
This daily Bible reading plan is enhanced with teaching videos. The schedule will take you through the entire Bible from cover to cover in one year. The 66 books of the Bible are divided into sections, and at the beginning of each section you will watch a video overview from the Spotlight on the Word series taught by Mike Vestal.