1. Through All Kinds of Weather (Part 1) | Side By Side
This program is taught by and intended for women.
In this introductory lesson, Brenda Poarch outlines the importance of having a support system within the women of your congregation and how to go about setting one up. Just as hurricanes can wreak havoc along the coastline, life can throw storms our way that cause devastation in our lives and having that support system can be a lifeline. Join us as Brenda discusses weathering the storms in our lives with the help of others.
2. Through All Kinds of Weather (Part 2) | Side By Side
This program is taught by and intended for women.
In this video, Brenda Poarch continues her lesson on weathering the storms in our lives. Surrounding ourselves with supportive people makes weathering the storm much easier. See what it means to be a supportive person and the things you should surround yourself with when going through hardship.
3. When Abnormal Becomes Normal (Part 1) | Side By Side
This program is taught by and intended for women.
Growing older is not without its hardships. As the seasons of life change, things that were once easy may become difficult and health issues may arise where previously there were none. When these changes arise, we do not always deal with them in a constructive way. Join Brenda Poarch as she discusses Mark 10:46-52 and how not to deal with chronic illness.
4. When Abnormal Becomes Normal (Part 2) | Side By Side
This program is taught by and intended for women.
In this video, Brenda Poarch continues her lesson on chronic illness. Those who are dealing with chronic health issues often have unique physical and emotional needs that need to be met. Join in as she examines Mark 2:1-12 and the correct way to deal with chronic illness.
5. Lions, Tigers, and Bears, Oh My! (Part 1) | Side By Side
This program is taught by and intended for women.
Sometimes the problems we face are not physical problems, but emotional ones. Like health issues, emotional problems must be dealt with, not ignored. Join Brenda Poarch as she discusses the account of Elijah and the prophets of Baal and what it looks like when we reach a breaking point in our lives.
6. Lions, Tigers, and Bears, Oh My! (Part 2) | Side By Side
This program is taught by and intended for women.
In this video, Brenda Poarch continues her lesson on dealing with emotional problems. Emotional problems, like physical ones, must be dealt with. However, we often do not know how to deal with them, whether they be our own or the problems of others. Join Brenda, as she continues studying the story of Elijah and what it looks like to deal with emotional problems in a healthy manner.
7. The Sin No One Confesses (Part 1) | Side By Side
This program is taught by and intended for women.
In order to be a well-adjusted person, we must have a certain amount of introspection. But sometimes, even when we have examined ourselves, we are unable to see our faults and sins clearly. Join Brenda Poarch as she studies the account of David and Bathsheba and discusses recognizing our sins.
8. The Sin No One Confesses (Part 2) | Side By Side
This program is taught by and intended for women.
In this video, Brenda Poarch continues her lesson on the sins we are unable to see clearly. She finishes the account of David and Bathsheba and discusses the honesty it takes to deal with our sins and the sins of others.
9. Celebration and Reflection | Side By Side
This program is taught by and intended for women.
In the final lesson of this series, Brenda Poarch discusses the importance of loving God and loving others. She reviews the topics covered in this series and provides discussion questions to allow others to continue the study on their own.
Side By Side Program

This program is taught by and intended for women.
Do you have an in-the-trenches buddy who has seen your ring around the bathtub and your sink full of dirty dishes? Who do you trust to keep your secrets? How does the Lord provide for your survival against the illness that sets up residence in your body? What enables you to face consequences of past sins? Open your heart to the possibilities within your grasp to make a difference to those who need you. Open your Bible to find the way to make it happen.