IS THERE a God? | Search God
Is there a God? You know virtually every person in the world has asked this question. Some people say there is no such thing as God. Others are firmly convinced He exists, and some people, they don't really seem to know and they don't really seem to care. Is there a God? Have you asked this question? We explore the answer in this video: Does every effect have a cause? Is our Universe designed? Where does Morality come originate? If you enjoyed this short video, watch a deeper look at the existence of God.
WHO is God? | Search God
Who is God? You know people have asked this question for years. Some people say God is a life force, others say that He is a personal Being, and still others say that God is only made up to control people using religion. Who is God? Have you ever thought about the answer to this question? Where did humans get their personalities? Is God a thinking being? Is God loving? Is God kind? Explore the answer to these questions in this video. If you enjoyed this short video, watch a deeper look at the existence of God.
WHERE is God? | Search God
Where is God? Can He be seen with a microscope or maybe a telescope? Is He high on a mountain top or deep within the ocean? There is no single, physical place that God resides in our Universe. Where is God? The Bible tells us that God is spirit and resides in His spiritual home, Heaven. It's not a physical place that can be experienced by our human senses. Rather God is omnipresent, which means He is everywhere. God is always near to us. If you enjoyed this short video, watch a deeper look at the existence of God.
HOW BIG is God? | Search God
How big is God? As humans, we are curious beings. We are constantly curious about the world around us. What can we see? Where can we go? How can we explore farther, faster, deeper and higher? We are privileged to be part of such a splendid Creation, which is so incredibly immense that it boggles our minds. Stars that are millions to quadrillions times larger than Earth; galaxies that contain hundreds of billions of stars; and a Universe that contains billions of 'island' galaxies in a sea of blackness. God, though, is not contained within the bounds of the Universe, and cannot be measured by any physical means. Rather He is a spirit Who is eternal and infinite, and yet He can reside within our hearts if we will but obey His will. If you enjoyed this short video, watch a deeper look at the existence of God.
WHAT is God? | Search God
What is God? You know people talk about God all the time, but what is God really? Nobody's ever produced a picture of what He looks like, and for that matter how do you know God is a He? If we can't touch or see or hear God, how can we know what God is? The truth is the vast majority of humans have wondered what God is. You might be surprised to know that the answer is simpler than you think. God is a Spirit and the ultimate mind. He's the personality behind all creation. He's not a mindless life force, but instead He's a being Who thinks and acts. Only a thinking Being could create other beings that think; only a Spirit could create people with spirits or minds like us. If you enjoyed this short video, watch a deeper look at the existence of God.
Search God Program

Does God exist? What, Who and Where is God? Virtually every person in the world has considered these questions. Atheists say that God is not real. Agnostics say we cannot be sure. Theists and Christians say we can absolutely know. Come explore the Search God program and find solid answers to these fundamental questions.