Getting God's Permission (Part 1) | Pleasing God in Worship
One very critical principle that is taught in the Bible is the principle of authority. We understand this concept. We understand that there are things in life that require permission. Authority was given by God to Christ; Christ in turn imparted to the apostles; the apostles then embedded God's authority, so to speak, in Scripture; and now Scripture is the means by which we receive permission from God. So how can we know what God approves? How do we decide God's wishes on any given action?
Getting God's Permission (Part 2) | Pleasing God in Worship
Clearly, we must go to God's Word and weigh every idea in view of God's directives. We must approach the Bible with the constant humble question: “Lord what would you have me to do?” This question applies in the matter of how I spend my money, in the matter of how I treat my spouse or my employer, and in the matter of worship. What does God want you and me to do while worshiping Him?
Getting God's Permission (Part 3) | Pleasing God in Worship
From the very beginning of human history, God has required people to structure their behavior based upon His will, and therefore we human beings have no right to formulate our own ideas concerning religious truth. We must have God's approval for everything we do. Another way to say this is: “Are we going to allow God to govern our lives or not?” In Acts 4:7 the Jewish authorities asked the apostles, “By what power or by what name have you done this?” Can we answer, as the apostles did, that our actions in worship have their authority from Christ?
Applauding God | Pleasing God in Worship
When you attend a sporting event, do you find yourself getting excited? Maybe expressing your excitement by clapping? When you attend a concert, do you express your approval and appreciation by clapping for the performers? Well, someone asks, "Since this is just part of our society, is it not just as natural and just as appropriate to clap when worshiping God?” How do we decide that? Since the God of the Bible expresses Himself in the Bible regarding how to worship Him, it only makes sense to go to the Bible and allow God Himself to tell us how He expects to be worshipped. What does the Bible say in regards to applause in worship?
Lifting Up Hands | Pleasing God in Worship
The practice of lifting up hands in religious worship assemblies has become commonplace. If you watch television, go online and look at this practice, you see a lot of variety: some hold both arms up above their heads, some only one arm; others hold arms up and to their sides, while others in front; their palms may be opened upward or their hands clinched together; some may sway their arms gently, others swaying their entire bodies, and eyes may be open or closed. If someone came into a setting like this, maybe from a different religion such as Hindu, and were to ask you, “What are they doing? What exactly is the meaning of this action? Is this what your God wants you to do?” How would you answer them? What Bible-based answer would you give?
Praise Teams | Pleasing God in Worship
A very popular feature of worship assemblies all over the country are the use of praise teams. Typically, a praise team consists of anywhere from 4 to 15 men and women. They have their own microphones, separate from the congregation. Sometimes praise teams remain seated among the congregation, or on the front pew, while other times they may stand in front facing the congregation. Are the use of praise teams in worship justified by Scripture? All practices, all actions, all worship activities must be examined in light of God's Word. Can we go to the Bible, using the principle of authority, and see where God wants us to engage in this practice?
Pleasing God in Worship Program

Even as American civilization has been undergoing massive alterations in its commitment to traditional American values and its Christian underpinnings, so also the church has been experiencing sweeping change, especially in worship. Indeed, Christendom as a whole has imbibed the restless spirit of the age to bring many changes to the basic doctrines of the Christian religion. To make religion more palatable to an entertainment-oriented culture, many churches have implemented “contemporary” worship (“inner-tainment”). This seminar by Dave Miller, Ph.D., provides Bible-based solutions using biblical principles to numerous issues including: How does the Bible authorize our behavior? May we praise God in whatever way we choose as long as we are sincere? What about instrumental music, praise teams, lifting up our arms, clapping and non-vocal additions to our singing?