The Godhead
This short video addresses the fundamentals of the Godhead. Listen as Don Blackwell explains how the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are one, and possess divine nature. With easy-to-follow scripture references he clarifies the "tri-unity" of the Godhead persons laid out in the Bible.
The Holy Spirit is not an "It"
This short video focuses on the personage characteristics of the Holy Spirit. Join Don Blackwell as he addresses common misunderstandings, and how we should think of the Holy Spirit as the third person of the Godhead, rather than thinking of Him as an “It.”
Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit
Have you heard of the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit? Have you wondered if you have committed this sin? The study of the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is a fascinating one, but also a frightening one. The thought of doing something that would provoke eternal damnation is frightening indeed. Join Denny Petrillo (Ph.D.) as he focuses on three areas: (1) What does the word ‘blasphemy’ mean? (2) What is the context in which the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit occurred? (3) Is it possible to commit this sin today?
Learning about the Godhead Program

The nature and attributes of God provide a rich and deep biblical study. In order to begin understanding the depths of what the Bible teaches on this topic, it is important to begin with some simple concepts. The short videos in this program will begin to introduce some of the foundations and common misconceptions about the Godhead.