1. Ishmael Living in a Dysfunctional Family | Intriguing Men of the Bible
This program is taught by and intended for women.
Do you have happy memories of your childhood or do you remember the many obstacles life put in your path? Ishmael’s early life was difficult, and he learned at an early age that life is not fair. By studying his example, we can learn that we must not let a challenging childhood keep us from living a life pleasing to God.
2. Korah - Mutiny on the Desert | Intriguing Men of the Bible
This program is taught by and intended for women.
A man named Korah was not happy with his standing in the Israelite nation. He teamed up with some other conspirators and tried to oust their leader Moses, involving many others in their sin. Their punishment from God was death. We must learn as we read in Proverbs 1:10 that “…if sinners entice you, do not consent.”
3. Nabal's Servant - Standing Up and Speaking Out | Intriguing Men of the Bible
This program is taught by and intended for women.
He was just a lowly servant; we don’t even know his name. But Nabal’s servant had the courage to speak up when trouble was coming. His bravery helped prevent the slaughter of his master’s family. What a wonderful example of courage for us!
4. 450 Prophets of Baal - Wild and Crazy Guys | Intriguing Men of the Bible
This program is taught by and intended for women.
The prophets of the false god Baal mistakenly thought they could triumph in a contest with the One True and Living God. When the people saw the power of God, they said, “The Lord, He is God!” (1 Kings 18:39). Our allegiance must be to God alone.
5. The Man Who Touched Elisha's Bones | Intriguing Men of the Bible
This program is taught by and intended for women.
The prophet Elisha died and was buried, but that is not the end of his story! God used his bones to perform yet another miracle---restoring life to a dead man. Aren’t we thankful that the grace of God can give us new life through Jesus Christ!
6. Ebed Melech - Beyond the Call of Duty | Intriguing Men of the Bible
This program is taught by and intended for women.
When the prophet Jeremiah was thrown into a cistern and left to die, a servant named Ebed-Melech came to his rescue. His quick thinking, courage, and compassion demonstrated his trust in God.
7. Zacchaeus - Little Man Big Heart | Intriguing Men of the Bible
This program is taught by and intended for women.
Zacchaeus was determined to see Jesus even if he had to climb a tree to do it! Zacchaeus turned his life around after hearing the truth from Jesus Himself. We, too, must overcome anything that prevents us from seeing and obeying Jesus.
8. Nicodemus - Go to the Source | Intriguing Men of the Bible
This program is taught by and intended for women.
Although most of the other Pharisees didn’t believe Jesus was the Messiah, Nicodemus wanted to see for himself. After having a one-on-one conversation with Jesus, Nicodemus began his journey of faith in the Son of God.
9. The Man Born Blind - A Miracle Made of Clay | Intriguing Men of the Bible
This program is taught by and intended for women.
Because he had been born blind, the man could only survive on the kindness of strangers. But one day he heard a new voice telling him to go and wash in the pool of Siloam. Through obedience, he received physical sight and later gained spiritual sight as he came face-to-face with the Son of God.
10. Barnabas - A Friend of Many | Intriguing Men of the Bible
This program is taught by and intended for women.
Do you have a nickname? Joses’ friends called him Barnabas because he was a great encourager! What a wonderful example for us as we strive to encourage others in the Lord!
11. Ananias - Keeping Up Appearances | Intriguing Men of the Bible
This program is taught by and intended for women.
Hypocrite is such an ugly word, but it describes Ananias perfectly. Ananias wanted the praise of men, but he incurred the punishment of God. Ananias learned the hard way that God knows the secrets of the heart (Psalms 44:21).
12. Demas - A Love Affair With the World | Intriguing Men of the Bible
This program is taught by and intended for women.
Demas began as a follower of Jesus Christ, but the attraction of the world was too strong for him. Demas abandoned his work with the evangelist Paul because of his love for worldly things. What pulls us away from God and back into the world? How can we overcome worldly temptations?
Does God Know That You Love Him?
This program is taught by and intended for women.
How does God know you love Him? Just saying we love God is not enough. As we learn in 1 John 3:18, we must love “in deed and in truth.” Our behavior must reflect our inner feelings. As we consider how we show love to those we care about on this earth, let’s apply those same ways to our love for God.
The Worshiper & the Waitress
This program is taught by and intended for women.
Are you quiet and introverted? Or are you outgoing and talkative? Mary and Martha were sisters with two different personalities who served God according to their own unique qualities. Jesus was blessed by the servant hearts of each of these sisters, whether it was Mary pouring oil on his feet or Martha serving his meal. As we reflect on their acts of love, we can examine ourselves to see how we can best serve God.
Intriguing Men of the Bible Program

This program is taught by and intended for women.
You may have heard the stories of Noah, Moses, Daniel, and Paul, but the names Korah, Ebed-Melech, and Demas may be unfamiliar to you. Have you read the thrilling accounts of the man who touched Elisha’s bones or the man who was born blind? Do you know who used old rags to perform a kind deed? The Scriptures are filled with accounts of little-known men with whom you may be unacquainted. Valuable lessons can be learned by studying the lives of these men even though they are mentioned only briefly in the Scriptures. Our lives can be enriched by looking at their examples. Open your Bibles and explore with us the lives of these Intriguing Men of the Bible. If you would like to continue your study of little-known men in the Bible, additional studies are available in the books, Unsung Heroes (And a Few Villains) and More Unsung Heroes (And a Few More Villains), published by Gospel Advocate Company, Nashville, Tennessee.