The Truth About Faith (in ASL) | God's Plan for Saving Man
Hebrews 11:6 says that without faith it is impossible to please God, and yet many in the religious world do not actually understand what biblical faith really is. This study examines the definition of faith and then explains how it works with grace in the saving of man. (Interpretation into American Sign Language by Michael Fehmer.)
The Truth About Repentance (in ASL) | God's Plan for Saving Man
Repentance has often been called the most difficult commandment in the Bible to obey. Though simple in concept, repentance is frequently misunderstood. This lesson explains that repentance is more than simply ceasing to sin. It is more than mere sorrow. Bible passages and practical examples are employed to explain God’s view of repentance. (Interpretation into American Sign Language by Michael Fehmer.)
The Truth About Baptism (in ASL) | God's Plan for Saving Man
The role of baptism in salvation is widely debated in the religious world. Is baptism necessary to be saved? Should we be baptized simply because Jesus was? Is it merely symbolic in nature, or is it necessary? This class answers these questions and covers the essential information provided in the New Testament with regard to baptism. (Interpretation into American Sign Language by Michael Fehmer.)
8 Frequently Asked Questions About Baptism (in ASL) | God's Plan for Saving Man
While the subject of baptism in the Bible is straightforward, there is still much confusion in the religious world. There are common arguments that many people try to use against the necessity of the Bible’s teaching on baptism. Follow along with Don Blackwell as he addresses frequently asked questions about baptism. (Interpretation into American Sign Language by Michael Fehmer.)
God's Plan for Saving Man (ASL) Program

God has a plan for saving man from sin. This plan involves His Son, Jesus, and the gift He has offered. The Bible discusses man's obedience to God's will, explaining the concepts of faith, grace, repentance, and baptism. Follow along with Don Blackwell as he looks at what the Bible has to say about God's plan. Interpreted into American Sign Language by Michael Fehmer.