7 Superhuman Qualities of the Bible | Proof for God
There are lots of reasons that people give as to why they think the Bible is or is not God’s word. In order to prove the divine nature of the Bible, one would need to show that the Bible contains things that people on their own simply could not have come up with. In this video lesson, Kyle Butt looks at seven superhuman qualities of the Bible.
6 Amazing Scientific Facts of the Bible | Proof for God
The Bible has been accused of being an outdated book of superstition, written by people who didn’t understand the scientific workings of the real world. This statement is patently false. The Bible does not contain errors or superstitious ideas, but it does contain scientific facts were written thousands of years before we in modern scientific times understood how important they were. In this video lesson, Kyle Butt presents a lesson on six scientific facts that validate the Bible.
Scientific Foreknowledge of the Bible: Germs and Disease | Proof for God
You might not think that you need to go to the Bible to find ways that could potentially save thousands of lives. However, what we see when we turn to the Bible, especially in the first five books, is that the scientific foreknowledge that was given there was thousands of years ahead of the modern scientific understanding of how germs and disease are spread. In this lesson, Kyle Butt looks at the scientific foreknowledge that was given to the Israelites and that the information could have only come from a divine source.
Scientific Foreknowledge of the Bible: Food Consumption | Proof for God
In the United States, there are regulations that are put into place by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that help keep people alive by regulating what can be eaten, how it can be eaten, and how it is packaged. Did you know that the first five books of the Bible, written thousands of years ago, has something similar to the FDA’s regulations? Through the Bible’s scientific foreknowledge, the Israelites were provided with safe eating standards. Join Kyle Butt in this video lesson as he discusses how this scientific foreknowledge proves that the Bible came from a divine origin.
9 Discoveries that Confirm the Bible | Proof for God
The Bible is the most historically accurate book ever penned. Hundreds of ancient discoveries verify its accuracy. In this video lesson, Kyle Butt presents nine of the discoveries that prove the Bible’s validity and divine nature.
What about Contradictions in the Bible? | Proof for God
When you hold the Bible, you might think of it as one book. However, it is actually 66 books that were written over a period of about 1600 years and by at least 40 different men. And yet, all 66 books fit together like perfect pieces of a puzzle. Skeptics of the Bible have made the accusations that these books don’t fit together and actually even contradict one another. Is this true? Is the Bible full of errors? In this video lesson, Kyle Butt explores this question and gives answers to specific examples of alleged contradictions.
5 Prophecies that Prove the Bible | Proof for God
Everyone recognizes that if a person or a book could accurately predict the future and be correct 100% of the time, then that person or that book would have to have divine help. Did you know that there is a book that can do that? It is the Bible and it contains scores of accurate prophecies that prove it to be from God. In this lesson, Kyle Butt will discuss five prophecies found in the Bible that validate its super-human qualities.
The Prophecy of Tyre | Proof for God
Most everyone understands that if there is a person or a book that can accurately predict the future, then it is super-human. It’s simply something no human can do on their own. Through predictive prophecy, the Bible has proven itself over and over again to be accurate and therefore from a divine source. One specific predictive prophecy is of the fall of Tyre. In this lesson, Kyle Butt looks at the historical and Biblical setting for this event and shows how the Bible predicted its occurrence.
Evidence for the Bible Program

Is the Bible God's inspired word? What evidence is there to recognize the proof for God as its divine source? Follow Kyle Butt as he demonstrates both the external and internal evidences for the Bible being from God. See amazing archaeological discoveries, incredible scientific facts, fulfillment of prophecies, and confirmation of the Bible's consistency. Questions will be answered and deeper insight gained that will increase your faith in Christianity.