Coping with Problems: 1. Introduction / Purpose (Part 1)
As human beings, we will face trials and problems of various kinds and various scales throughout our lives. Knowing how to cope and deal with these issues in a godly manner can make all the difference in the success of overcoming life’s hardships. Join Steven Lloyd and Don Ruhl as present this introductory lesson on practical ways that Christians can lean on God and conquer life’s ups and downs.
Coping with Problems: 2. Purpose (Part 2)
When we understand that our main purpose is to magnify and glorify God, our lives begin to get a better perspective on what is truly important and the weight of life’s trials takes on a lesser role. Through a deep and meaningful relationship with God and His word, a person can be prepared to tackle and cope with life’s hardships. Join Steven Lloyd and Don Ruhl as they present practical advice from God’s word on how to deal with life’s problems.
Coping with Problems: 3. The Problem (Part 1)
“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,” Romans 3:23. Sin causes us to fail and not live up to the purpose for which we were created by God. In this lesson, Steven Lloyd and Don Ruhl speak on how to fully trust in God and strive to be Christ-like.
Coping with Problems: 4. The Problem (Part 2)
Through His word, the Bible, God has given the world His expectations and commandments to live by. When we choose to stray from His word and not follow Him, we forfeit the hope and comfort God that provides. In this lesson, Steven Lloyd and Don Ruhl present the message of clarity and hope that God’s word offers to our lives.
Coping with Problems: 5. Faith (Part 1)
When people are faced with trouble and their lives become unmanageable, they begin looking for help. As Christians, we can turn to the Scriptures for comfort and it’s in these times especially, that our faith in God and His word can grow. Join Steven Lloyd and Don Ruhl as they present a lesson on faith and how we can grow more dependent on God through our times of troubles.
Coping with Problems: 6. Faith (Part 2)
God is the perfect counselor. He understands us completely and has the solutions to living a happy life. When people do not have faith in Him and reject His counsel, they are forfeiting the hope that God offers. In this lesson, Steven Lloyd and Don Ruhl discuss how we should trust God in every aspect of our lives and not look to worldly wisdom.
Coping with Problems: 7. Faith (Part 3) / Solutions
Each day, we have faith that the sun will rise. When it comes to spiritual matters, do we trust God just as deeply, especially in times of trials? Join Steven Lloyd and Don Ruhl in this lesson as they look at Biblical examples of faith discuss how we can maintain a strong confidence in God.
Coping with Problems: 8. Solutions (continued)
Being the inspired word of God, the Bible can help us better understand the mind and the will of God. It is also a source book for seeking solutions to life’s challenges. Join Steven Lloyd and Don Ruhl as they present an in-depth Biblical lesson on how God’s word is the solution to our problems.
Coping with Problems: 9. Success (Part 1)
When we have overcome our struggles, how can we ensure ourselves against repeating destructive behaviors and falling back into sin? According to the Scriptures, the key to a successful, godly life is meditating on the word of God. Join Steven Lloyd and Don Ruhl as they take an in-depth look at this topic of spiritual success.
Coping with Problems: 10. Success (Part 2)
When we meditate and ponder on Scripture and then apply its message to our life and actions, the life we live will glorify God. While this doesn’t ensure a trouble-free life, we can know that our success of overcoming sin will have an eternal reward. In this lesson, Steven Lloyd and Don Ruhl present a lesson to encourage us to know God’s word and to meditate on His precepts.
Coping with Problems: 11. Attitude (Part 1)
When we address the problems that concern us, in order to achieve success, it is vital to have the proper, godly attitude. How closely in-tune with God’s will is my attitude? Am I willing to be humble and submissive to God? In this lesson, Steven Lloyd and Don Ruhl examine the attitude one should have when relating to God.
Coping with Problems: 12. Attitude (Part 2)
Pride is destructive and when we do not humble ourselves before God and submit ourselves to His will, we will not achieve spiritual comfort and peace. Join Steven Lloyd and Don Ruhl as they examine Biblical examples prideful and humble attitudes and how we apply these lessons to our lives.
Coping with Problems: 13. Accountability (Part 1)
Each one of us are accountable for our own actions, whether good or bad, and are responsible for the consequences associated with them. Learning to accept responsibility for our actions is a mark of mental and spiritual maturity. In this lesson, Steven Lloyd and Don Ruhl discuss how we should live, according to God’s word.
Coping with Problems: 14. Accountability (Part 2)
On Judgment Day, we will each be held accountable for the deeds that we do in this earthly life. God gives us each the ability to choose right from wrong and provides us with His word so that we can discern the difference. Join Steven Lloyd and Don Ruhl as they discuss how we should live, according to God’s word.
Coping with Problems: 15. Honesty (Part 1)
In dealing with life’s problems, we have to be honest with ourselves in order to get to the root of the problem. God knows each one of us and is willing to help and bring peace to our lives. Join, Steven Lloyd and Don Ruhl as they discuss the importance of honesty.
Coping with Problems: 16. Honesty (Part 2)
We can begin to identify life’s conflicts and problems when we are honest with ourselves. When we invite God to have dominion over our hearts and thoughts and take an honest look at who we are, spiritual matters will take a leading spot in our life. Join Steven Lloyd and Don Ruhl as they discuss the importance of honesty.
Coping with Problems: 17. Change (Part 1)
Change isn’t always an easy thing, even when we realize particular actions are harming us. However, when we put our trust in God, He will guide us along the correct path of life. Join Steven Lloyd and Don Ruhl as they take an in-depth look at how we can make necessary changes for a godly life.
Coping with Problems: 18. Change (Part 2)
When we, like David, realize that we have sinned, we should have godly sorrow for our deed. This sorrow should lead us to repent and make the necessary changes to our lives. In this lesson, Steven Lloyd and Don Ruhl take an in-depth look at this topic and discuss how we can make these changes.
Coping with Problems: 19. Change (Part 3) / Forgiveness (Part 1)
Even when people have taken the necessary steps to receive the forgiveness of sins, often times,they have a difficult time forgiving themselves for past actions. Other times, people may not take Jesus’ sacrifice seriously enough and feel that they are forgiven no matter what they do. Join Steven Lloyd and Don Ruhl as they talk about this important topic of forgiveness.
Coping with Problems: 20. Forgiveness (Part 1 continued)
Forgiveness of sins is one of the greatest gifts God has given to mankind. In order to achieve the forgiveness of our sins, Christ had to be our sacrifice. Join Steven Lloyd and Don Ruhl as they take an in-depth look at this important topic of forgiveness.
Coping with Problems: 21. Forgiveness (Part 2)
If we are obedient to God and humble ourselves to His will, He is faithful to forgive each and everyone one of our sins. After we have become Christians, we must continue to live a faithful life according to His word. Through Jesus’ blood, we have a continual forgiveness of sin. In this lesson, Steven Lloyd and Don Ruhl conclude discussion on forgiveness.
Coping with Problems: 22. Abstinence
When we become Christians, we must put away worldly and fleshly lusts. God wants us to think on pure, wholesome things and have these reflected in our lives through Christ. Join Steven Lloyd and Don Ruhl as they discuss the topic of abstinence and leaving behind sinful desires.
Coping with Problems: 23. Fellowship
God’s word provides exactly what we need to overcome our struggles and through the Christian’s that make up the church, we can reach out to encourage and help each other along. The church is the ideal place to find help and solutions for our problems because Christ’s church is the perfect place for imperfect people. In this lesson, Steven Lloyd and Don Ruhl discuss the importance of fellowship among Christians.
Coping with Problems: 24. Remaining Current (Part 1)
When problems and difficult issues arise in our lives, we need to strive for a resolution to the conflict to occur as soon as possible. When we handle conflicts in an appropriate and timely manner, we can seek to right wrong situations and move forward in our Christian walk. In this lesson Steven Lloyd and Don Ruhl discuss the importance of remaining current when difficult situations come up in our lives
Coping with Problems: 25. Remaining Current (Part 2)
When appropriate, we should seek a public confession of sin, either as new Christians or those Christians who have fallen away. Often times, sin is of a public nature and needs to be confessed in a public setting in order to right the wrong and to display our repentance and conviction. Join Steven Lloyd and Don Ruhl as they conclude the discussion of remaining current when difficult situations come up in our lives.
Coping with Problems: 26. Loneliness (Part 1)
Loneliness can occur when we alienate ourselves from others and God because of sin. However, when we turn to God and repent of our sins, our loneliness can be filled with God’s peace. Join Steven Lloyd and Don Ruhl as they take an in-depth look at the Scriptures to study the topic of loneliness.
Coping with Problems: 27. Loneliness (Part 2)
When we choose to live in sin and therefore separate ourselves from God, loneliness can be feel overwhelming. However, if we take the steps to get back to a right relationship with God, we can once again be at peace in our soul. Join Steven Lloyd and Don Ruhl in this concluding lesson on loneliness as they take an in-depth look at the Scriptures to study this topic.
Coping with Problems: 28. Anxiety
At one time or another, we all have anxiety about issues that arise in our lives. However, when we turn to the Bible, we can seek out the right way to handle these issues and we can gain peace and comfort from God’s word. Join Steven Lloyd and Don Ruhl and they discuss the topic of anxiety and how we, as Christians, should handle it.
Coping with Problems: 29. Meaning (Part 1)
Our Christian faith gives our life meaning. It’s who we are and what we do. In this lesson, Steven Lloyd and Don Ruhl discuss how knowing God and living the faithful Christian life can provide the ultimate meaning to our lives.
Coping with Problems: 30. Meaning (Part 2)
Our lives have value because of God’s love for us. Christ gave His life that we might be free from sin and can teach the Good News to others. When we focus our life around God, we can become truly happy. Join Steven Lloyd and Don Ruhl in this concluding lesson as they look at the topic of meaning.
Coping with Problems Program

Coping with Problems is a study designed to help one deal effectively with the various issues of life, including anxiety, loneliness, honesty, forgiveness, accountability and much more. The program is hosted by Steven Lloyd and Don Ruhl and includes a total of 30 lessons.