Genesis 19:8 - Did God Condone Rape? | Challenging Bible Verses
Did God condone Lot's actions in Genesis 19:8 when he offered his daughters to the men of Sodom? Some contend that Lot's conduct and the Bible writers' praise of the patriarch are reasons to reject the God of the Bible. Are they correct? Join Eric Lyons as he looks at this specific context to provide an answer to the atheist’s challenge.
Genesis 22:2 - Did God Allow Human Sacrifice? | Challenging Bible Verses
Does the God of the Bible delight in bloodshed from his followers? In Genesis 22:2, why did he ask Abraham to offer up his son as a human sacrifice? Is God cruel as atheists allege? Join Eric Lyons as he logically answers the atheistic attack on God's loving character by looking at the verse in context.
Exodus 20:5 - Is God Jealous and Insecure? | Challenging Bible Verses
Why did God feel the need to condemn idolatry? Is He insecure, as some skeptics contend? And how can a good, loving God also be a jealous God? Join Eric Lyons as he considers a rational and biblically consistent response to these frequently asked questions.
Joshua 11:11-15 - How Could God Command Canaanite Death? | Challenging Bible Verses
Allegedly, God is a murderer. Among other things, He instructed the Israelites to kill countless Canaanites. How can Christians logically and justifiably believe in and serve such a God? Join Eric Lyons as he answers this frequently asked question.
Judges 11 - "Did God Accept Jephthah's Daughter as a Sacrifice?" | Challenging Bible Verses
Are Jephthah’s actions in Judges 11 proof that God condones literal human sacrifices? Join Eric Lyons as he addresses what some consider “a top 10 worst Bible passage.”
Psalm 137:8-9 - Did God Encourage "Dashing Babies Against Rocks"? | Challenging Bible Verses
Leading atheists allege that Psalm 137 teaches that God wants His people to dash babies against the rocks and be happy about it. Is this actually what Psalm 137 says? Join Eric as he briefly, biblically, and logically answers this question.
Challenging Bible Verses: From Atheists and Skeptics Program

Atheists and skeptics often present challenging Bible verses as reasons for their disbelief in God and the Bible. Christians frequently ignore these verses as too difficult to explain. In this series of videos, Eric Lyons logically and biblically addresses some of the most challenging and criticized sections of Scripture with the simple goal of helping everyone understand the Bible better.