1. Everyone Is Important | Bind Us Together
This program is taught by and intended for women.
As members of the Lord’s church, we are part of a family. Each of us has an important role in the kingdom of God. As the body of Christ, we should strive to connect with every member of our congregation to ensure unity and spiritual well-being. Join Doritta Johnson in this video as she presents a lesson on how to put this into practice.
2. What Happens When We Connect | Bind Us Together
This program is taught by and intended for women.
In every aspect of our lives, the bonds that we have with others is what makes us thrive. As we come into contact with people, we should always be looking for ways to connect through encouraging words, helpful actions, and a loving attitude. Join Doritta Johnson as she gives practical advice on how to connect with others.
3. The Value of Being Real | Bind Us Together
This program is taught by and intended for women.
Each one of us is a valuable, one-of-a-kind soul created by an awesome designer. When we hide behind fears and insecurities, we are limiting ourselves and the power of God to work through us. In this video, Doritta Johnson presents a lesson on how we can be real with ourselves and others.
4. Use What You Have (Part 1) | Bind Us Together
This program is taught by and intended for women.
No matter how little or how much you have, there is always something you can give to help another person. In this video, Doritta Johnson discusses three ways that we can use what we have to make connections with others: lead with your heart, be handy, and use your words.
5. Use What You Have (Part 2) | Bind Us Together
This program is taught by and intended for women.
In this video, Doritta Johnson continues her lesson on how we can use what we have to connect with others. She offers practical advice and sound wisdom on how to put these principles in action.
6. The Most Important Connection | Bind Us Together
This program is taught by and intended for women.
While making connections with fellow Christians is important, the most important connection we can have is with God. The way we can ensure a close connection with our heavenly Father is to know Him through His word. Join Doritta Johson as she presents an encouraging lesson on this topic.
7. Keep the Charge | Bind Us Together
This program is taught by and intended for women.
Join Doritta Johnson in this concluding lesson as she gives final thoughts on how we can always pursue goodness and righteousness in making connections with others.
Bind Us Together Program

This program is taught by and intended for women.
How can you show that everyone has value? How can you avoid feeling invisible? Why must you persevere and suffer to form lasting bonds? How do you share your true feelings? What risks will you take to have a close friend? Why must you learn how to express love? How can you encourage another person and forge meaningful connections? When is the right time to open your eyes and reach out to some soul? Are you serving or being served? Learn how to stretch out your hands and seek cords of love that cannot be broken.