1. The Historicity of Jesus | Behold! The Lamb of God
Did Jesus Christ really live? Many people claim that Jesus was not a real person and that Christians follow a made-up religion with a blind faith. Is there evidence to prove that Jesus was an actual, historical person? In this lesson, Kyle Butt takes an in-depth look at this question and explores the historicity of Jesus Christ.
2. The Uniqueness of Christ | Behold! The Lamb of God
Many critics of Christianity claim that the story of Jesus the Christ is not a unique story in history. They say that many other ancient religions that pre-date Christianity also claim that their god had a miraculous birth or were the savior of the world. Are these claims true? Join Eric Lyons as he investigates these assertions and examines the uniqueness of Jesus.
3. The Predicted Messiah | Behold! The Lamb of God
From the beginning chapters of Genesis and continuing throughout the Old Testament, the predicted Messiah is the the central theme and hope of the world. In this lesson, Kyle Butt examines and evaluates how the Old Testament was looking forward to the predicted Messiah.
4. The Resurrection of Christ | Behold! The Lamb of God
How important is the resurrection of Jesus? The apostle Paul said, “If Christ is not risen, then our preaching is empty and your faith is also empty.” In this lesson, Kyle Butt discusses the importance and significance that Christ’s resurrection has to the Christian’s faith.
5. Answering Christ's Critics | Behold! The Lamb of God
We are living in a time when Jesus is constantly being criticized and is being made fun of in various ways. As followers of Christ, Christians need to be ready and able to give a defense for Jesus. Join Eric Lyons as he presents facts, arguments, and biblically sounds information that all Christians should be aware of to help them defend Christ and their Christianity.
6. Was Jesus Really God? | Behold! The Lamb of God
Was Jesus merely a great man and philosopher? Was Jesus’ deity conjured by men hundreds of years after His death? Or, was He truly the Son of God? In this concluding lesson, Eric Lyons investigates these claims using both biblical and secular works.
BEHOLD! The Lamb of God Program

In this seminar, Kyle Butt and Eric Lyons explore the historicity, deity and personality of Jesus. Using both biblically internal and external evidences, the facts and reality of Jesus' life are explored and demonstrated. “Behold the Lamb of God” is a powerful program for a Christian's recognition of Jesus as Christ, the Savior. This is the second program in the "Pillars of Faith" series.