3. The Idol of Guilt | Modern Idols
This program is taught by and intended for women.
“Good” guilt leads us to repentance and is pleasing to God. “Bad” guilt weighs us down and costs us peace of mind, happiness, and trust in God. Guilt becomes an idol when we treat it in such a way that it detracts from us properly loving and trusting Almighty God. -
4. The Idol of Happiness | Modern Idols
This program is taught by and intended for women.
God wants people to be happy. Is that true? Happiness in this life is not to be our ultimate goal. Pursuing the idol of happiness above obedience to God will never be pleasing to Him. Examine the ways people look for happiness today instead of turning to God. -
5. The Idol of Me | Modern Idols
This program is taught by and intended for women.
King Ahab put his selfish desires above all else and it resulted in the death of an innocent man. Do your desires dictate the direction of your life? Do you act like a three-year-old throwing a temper tantrum if you don’t get your way? Look at suggestions for avoiding the worship of the Idol of Me. -
6. The One True God | Modern Idols
This program is taught by and intended for women.
What an amazing thought that we can know the God who created us! Instead of finding our comfort, satisfaction, and purpose in the idols of this world, we should worship Almighty God, the One deserving of our faith and devotion. In this lesson explore God’s nature as our Creator, Provider, Ruler and Savior. -
1. The Idol of Possessions | Modern Idols
This program is taught by and intended for women.
How much do you like your “stuff”? Do you always long for more possessions? Like Achan in the book of Joshua, does your desire for gold and silver and pretty clothes cloud your judgment? In this lesson, you will consider the hold your possessions can have on your life and the danger they can represent in your walk with God. -
2. The Idol of Food | Modern Idols
This program is taught by and intended for women.
We must have food to survive. But does food bring you comfort and satisfaction that you should be finding in your relationship with God? Esau, the Israelites, and the sons of the priest Eli all let their desire for food cause them to sin against God. This lesson explores ways that food becomes an idol in our lives.
2. The Idol of Food | Modern Idols
This program is taught by and intended for women.
We must have food to survive. But does food bring you comfort and satisfaction that you should be finding in your relationship with God? Esau, the Israelites, and the sons of the priest Eli all let their desire for food cause them to sin against God. This lesson explores ways that food becomes an idol in our lives.