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Top 10 New Videos of 2024
# 10 – The Chosen
Our present lives are the sum of our past choices.” Our choices say a lot about us and who we are. They reveal our values and our motivations. In the same way, God’s choices say much about Him. His track record of choosing to do what is right reveals how He values love, justice and mercy. Join Jim Lloyd as he looks at scripture at the choices God has made, and who He has chosen to carry out His will and what it means for us today.
# 9 – Mental Health: Lesson 1
There are many stories in the Bible to help us learn how to improve our mental health. Join Shun Evans as he discusses 2 Corinthians 12 about the issues in our lives that the Lord has allowed to remain.
# 8 – Did God Condone Rape? Challenging Bible Verses
Did God condone Lot’s actions in Genesis 19:8 when he offered his daughters to the men of Sodom? Some contend that Lot’s conduct and the Bible writers’ praise of the patriarch are reasons to reject the God of the Bible. Are they correct? Join Eric Lyons as he looks at this specific context to provide an answer to the atheist’s challenge.
# 7 – The Temple: Then and Now (Part 2)
The temple Jesus knew was one of the great engineering marvels of the ancient world. But, in AD 70 the Roman army of Flavius Titus destroyed both the city and the beloved temple of the Jews leaving only traces of its former glory. Only its foundation and the rubble scattered at its base remain, but its stones are crying out and revealing important answers as to its location, size, and design. These stones, along with the writings of Josephus, the Mishnah, and the Bible are giving archaeologists the needed data to better understand the past, and the story they are telling about King Herod and the temple is enthralling.
# 6 – Is God A Respecter of Persons
What is sin? How do you define it? Sin is not a popular topic and discussing it can seem judgmental. Though conversations about sin are often avoided, we must recognize that sin has an enslaving and destructive power, and that we cannot solve it on our own. It might be that we need to rethink how we define sin. Join Jim Lloyd as he discusses sin, from how it works to how we can be healed from it.
# 5 – Biblical Ages
Did you know that not all commands in the Bible apply to you? In the Bible we find the story of God’s relationship with humanity, from the very beginning of Creation through the life of Jesus to the establishment of the Church. Have there been changes in God’s covenant with His people? Do we worship the same today as Abraham or Moses did? Join Don Blackwell as he looks at the changes in God’s covenants through history, considering what it means for how we follow God today.
# 4 – Seven Things that Will Happen on Judgement Day
The day the Lord returns and the Earth is destroyed is described as the “Judgment Day.” The Bible describes numerous things that will happen, or scenes of the events occurring on that day. Join Don Blackwell as he looks at seven of these scenes to help in understanding what plans God has made known to us.
# 3 – Preparing for Death
It is always better to be prepared. We prepare for all sorts of things in this life such as tests, possible emergencies, and travel. We even prepare for death. When most people think of preparing for death, they think of burial plots and wills, but what about preparing spiritually for death? Join Jim Lloyd as he looks at scripture and what it means to be spiritually prepared for death.
# 2 – The Temple: Then and Now (Part 1)
Known to Muslims as the Haram Al-Sharif and to Jews as Mount Moriah, the 1.55 million square foot sacred platform in the heart of ancient Jerusalem was once home to a magnificent and glorious temple belonging to the Jews. This sacred temple was violently destroyed, but its archaeological remains tell the story of a prophecy about its fall, the final days of Christ, and God’s desire to dwell among His people. Join with us on this incredible journey as we explore the long and storied history about the temple’s origin, history, and its final days.
# 1 – The Church of Your Choice
Are you looking for a church? With so many churches, how do you choose? You may have heard the advice, “choose the church of your choice.” What does this mean, and is it good advice? Join Jim Lloyd as he considers what “choosing a church” means from the Bible’s perspective, and how you can identify the church for which Jesus died.