Top Ten New Videos of 2023

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Top 10 New Videos of 2023

# 10 – The Joy of Being a Christian

Joy of Being a Christian

Everybody wants to be happy. But if everybody wants to be happy, why are there so many unhappy people? Why does happiness seem unattainable for some while others are always filled with joy? Join Jim Lloyd as he looks at what the Bible has to say about the depth of joy found in being a Christian.

# 9 – Is Everyone Going to Heaven?

Is Everyone Going to Heaven?

When we die, is everyone going to heaven? We experience people in our world who want to live good lives and follow God, and we also cross paths with those who actively engage in evil deeds. What does God have to say about how humanity responds to Him, and heaven as an eternal home? Join Jim Lloyd as he looks at the Bible to see what the Creator has to say about eternal judgment.

# 8 – Did God Create Other People?

Did God Create Other People?

The first chapters of Genesis tell of the direct creation of two people: Adam and Eve. Some do not think, however, that the various races could have come from Adam and Eve alone. This begs the question, did God ever directly create other people? Join Kyle Butt as he opens God’s Word to find the answer.

# 7 – How Long Were the Days of Creation

How Long Were the Days of Creation

Genesis says that God created the world in six days and rested on the seventh. Some claim that instead of literal 24-hour days, the author of Genesis intended for the days of creation to represent eons of time. But is this true? Join Kyle Butt as he studies Genesis 1 to find how long were the days of Creation.

# 6 – Sin


What is sin? How do you define it? Sin is not a popular topic and discussing it can seem judgmental. Though conversations about sin are often avoided, we must recognize that sin has an enslaving and destructive power, and that we cannot solve it on our own. It might be that we need to rethink how we define sin. Join Jim Lloyd as he discusses sin, from how it works to how we can be healed from it.

# 5 – The Age of Anxiety

The Age of Anxiety

What is sin? Some define anxiety as the “fear of future loss over which we have no control.” Bad things happen to people every day. As much as we would like to, no one can prevent bad things from happening. This lack of control causes hopelessness in many people. But what does the Bible have to say about anxiety? Are we really as hopeless as we sometimes feel? Join Jim Lloyd as he studies the scriptures and what they have to say about anxiety.

# 4 – Satan


Why do some people engage in evil actions? How does a person go from thinking about murder, to actually taking someone’s life? In this lesson, Jim Lloyd looks at what the Bible says about Satan, his mission, and your power to resist and overcome temptation.

Top Ten

# 3 – Dinosaurs and the Bible

Dinosaurs and the Bible

If God created the world in 6 days, then when were dinosaurs created? Were dinosaurs created along with the other animals? Did dinosaurs and man ever exist at the same time? Join Kyle Butt as he studies what the scriptures have to say about dinosaurs.

# 2 – The Bible and the Age of the Earth

The Bible and the Age of the Earth

Have you ever wondered just how old the Earth is? Is it millions or billions of years old as some say? Does the Bible agree with this idea, or does the Bible even say anything about Earth’s age? Join Kyle Butt as he looks into Scripture to consider the age of the Earth.

# 1 – Where Did Cain Get His Wife?

Where Did Cain Get His Wife?

In Genesis 4, we find that Cain had a wife when he settled in the land of Nod. But where did he get his wife? Was there a different race of people in the land of Nod? Join Kyle Butt as he studies the scriptures to find the answer.