The Christian and Self Defense
May a Christian defend himself and his family? What if self-defense requires the use of lethal force? May a Christian serve as a police officer or in the military? In this 27-minute long program, Don Blackwell examines the arguments and explains from the Bible how God authorizes self-defense.
God's Plan for Saving Man
God has a plan for saving man from sin. This plan involves His Son, Jesus, and the gift He has offered. The Bible discusses man's obedience to God's will, explaining the concepts of faith, grace, repentance, and baptism. Follow along with Don Blackwell as he looks at what the Bible has to say about God's plan.
The Kingdom and End Times
A study of God's Kingdom, the Rapture and Premillennialism. When will Jesus come again? Will it be soon? Will He set up His kingdom at that time? What about the Anti-Christ, the mark of the beast, and the rapture? This program contains three lessons: When Will the Kingdom Come?, No One Left Behind, and Premillennialism: A Deeper Study. In these lessons, Don Blackwell will answer these questions with detailed explanations from the Word of God.
The Thief on the Cross (Program)
One of the most frequent objections offered to baptism is the thief on the cross. People will argue, "The thief on the cross wasn't baptized and he was saved, therefore I don't have to be baptized. I want to be saved like the thief on the cross." Is this a valid argument? Can we be saved like the thief on the cross? In this study, Don Blackwell will examine the account of the thief on the cross and answer these questions from the Bible.
The Truth About Angels
There are very few subjects in the religious world that captivate our attention like that of angels. We want to know what angels look like? What do angels do? Do guardian angels exist? Does Satan have angels? Travis Quertermous conducts a thought provoking biblical study on angels addressing these questions.
The Truth About the Apocrypha and Lost Books of the Bible
Have you ever wondered why we have the books we do in our Bibles? Are there "lost books" that should be in the Bible? What about the Apocrypha found in Catholic Bibles? Join Don Blackwell as he looks at the background and context for recognizing the canon of inspired books in the Bible. Understanding these questions can provide confidence for your faith.
The Truth About Christmas
Would you be surprised to learn that the Bible does not even mention Christmas? Would you further be surprised to learn that the story of Jesus' birth, as commonly told, is very different from the inspired text? What is a Christian's responsibility at this time of the year? In this video, Don Blackwell examines the story of the birth of Jesus, exposing the myths and explaining what the Bible really says about Christmas.
The Truth About Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage
With more than half of marriages ending in divorce, to say that a study of the subject is needed is an understatement. Most people don't know what God has to say about divorce, and many don't care. In this study, Don Blackwell delves into a crucial topic that is affecting the very fabric of our society. If you are considering divorce or you know someone who is, please don't go any further until you watch this video. Be sure that you understand what God has to say on this subject of eternal consequence.
The Truth About Moral Issues
Sooner or later, most of us find ourselves facing moral, social, and ethical situations that command our attention. These situations can affect our family, friends, neighbors or others. In an easy to understand manner, Don Blackwell presents compelling and informative answers from a biblical and practical standpoint, covering the topics of Lying, Drinking, Gambling, Dancing, Modesty, Pornography and the interesting discussion of Tattoos and Piercings.
The Truth About Same-Sex Marriage (Program)
What does the Bible teach about homosexuality? How does God feel about same-sex marriage? Have we been misusing the Bible when citing it to condemn gay and lesbian behavior? Did Jesus ever mention it? Is it time for Christians to finally accept that homosexuality is a civic right equivalent to racial equality? In this lesson, Don Blackwell shines the light of God’s truth on these and other questions that are trending cultural topics.
The Truth About Worship
We live in a world of religious confusion. Worship has become more about the individual than about God. But in the midst of the confusion, the Bible remains clear. Don Blackwell and Neal Pollard deal with basic principles of worship in a simple and concise manner that rings true to the Word of God. Whether a new convert or a diligent seeker of truth, these lessons will benefit and strengthen you.
What Must I Do to Be Saved?
What must I do to be saved? The answer to this question has implications both now and for eternity. Sadly, wrong answers are being given all the time. In this study, Don Blackwell opens the Bible and shares with us God's answer to this question. It is a simple, straight-forward study done in a kind and loving manner. With a question of this magnitude, you cannot afford to be wrong. Won't you join us for this vital study?
Where Do We Go When We Die? (Program)
Where do we go when we die? What happens to us after we breathe our last breath? These are questions that everyone has pondered. The world offers many answers to these questions: from reincarnation, to becoming a ghost, to ceasing to exist. Bible believers, however, don't have to engage in these guessing games because we can know the answers to the questions not only where did we come from, but we can also know where we are going. In this video Don Blackwell explains the journey of the soul, tracing it from the point of conception into eternity.
The Truth About… Series

This is a large series of programs designed to teach the simple truth about many of the most commonly asked questions and controversial topics facing Christians today. Solid Bible answers are provided to guide the viewer through the world's misconceptions and frequent arguments. Enjoy this broad series of topics that will strengthen your faith.