The Truth About Same-Sex Marriage
What does the Bible teach about homosexuality? How does God feel about same-sex marriage? Have we been misusing the Bible when citing it to condemn gay and lesbian behavior? Did Jesus ever mention it? Is it time for Christians to finally accept that homosexuality is a civic right equivalent to racial equality? In this lesson, Don Blackwell shines the light of God's truth on these and other questions that are trending cultural topics.
Jesus and Homosexuality
What did Jesus have to say about homosexuality? Did Jesus ever condone or support homosexuality? One very common argument used in support of homosexuality is that Jesus Christ did not explicitly condemn the practice. While the New Testament plainly states that homosexuality is a sin, what did Jesus teach about same-sex marriage? Did Jesus provide any teachings about marriage and proper relationships? In this video, Kyle Butt discusses the teachings of Jesus and how they fit within the entire teachings of Christianity and the New Testament.
The Truth About Same-Sex Marriage Program

What does the Bible teach about homosexuality? How does God feel about same-sex marriage? Have we been misusing the Bible when citing it to condemn gay and lesbian behavior? Did Jesus ever mention it? Is it time for Christians to finally accept that homosexuality is a civic right equivalent to racial equality? In this lesson, Don Blackwell shines the light of God’s truth on these and other questions that are trending cultural topics.