Hezekiah's Tunnel | Search Bible Archaeology
Quite often the Bible will make very specific references to a certain person, place, or thing. These statements can be checked using historical and archaeological evidence. One such example is of King Hezekiah and the events mentioned in the Old Testament book of Second Kings. Join Kyle Butt as he presents extra-biblical evidence that proves the accuracy and inspiration of the Bible.
Pilate Inscription | Search Bible Archaeology
The life of Jesus recorded by the New Testament is full of specific events, places, and people Jesus encountered. One such example comes from one of the most tragic accounts in human history, the crucifixion of Jesus. During this horrific ordeal, one man stood in a place of authority to affect this trial, Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor. Was Pontius Pilate a real, historical individual? Did he preside over this region at the time of Christ? These accounts can be checked using the external sources of historical and archaeological evidence. Join Kyle Butt as he presents amazing evidence that once again testifies to the Bible’s validity.
Gallio Inscription | Search Bible Archaeology
The writer, Luke, recorded many historical details in his writings. Some details, such as the names and positions of government authorities, help us date biblical events and prove the accuracy of the Bible. Gallio, the proconsul mentioned in Acts 18:12, is one example. Join Kyle Butt as he presents extra-biblical evidence that testifies to the Bible’s validity.
The Cyrus Cylinder | Search Bible Archaeology
Cyrus Cylinder: In 1879, a small clay cylinder was found in the ancient city of Babylon. On this cylinder was an inscription about Cyrus, king of the Medo-Persian Empire, and his victory over Babylon. Join Kyle Butt as he discusses the importance of this cylinder and how it proves the accuracy and inspiration of the Bible.
Search Bible Archaeology Program

The Bible makes many specific references to people, places and events. The accuracy of these references can be checked using historical and archaeological evidence. Can the Old Testament references to King Hezekiah and his actions be verified? Is there archaeological evidence for the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate, who presided over Jesus' trial? Join Kyle Butt as he presents amazing evidence that testifies to the Bible’s validity and inspiration.