Lesson 1: Abounding in Hope (ASL)
In a world ravaged by disease, division, and darkness, we need hope. How can we abound in hope? Join Bill Watkins in this first lesson as he opens God's word to show how we can find abundant hope. Interpreted in American Sign Language by Michael Fehmer.
Lesson 2: Life Beyond the Ordinary | Abounding in Hope (ASL)
Do you want to be fully what God wants you to be? Do you want to live beyond the ordinary and abound in hope? Join Bill Watkins as he focuses on three Bible examples to see how God can take your life from the comfortable to what He wants you to be. Interpreted in American Sign Language by Michael Fehmer.
Lesson 3: Why We Worship | Abounding in Hope (ASL)
Part of living a life beyond the ordinary is focusing on worship. No matter what time period through history, God has required His creation to worship Him. Why has God commanded worship? Why do we need worship in our lives? Join Bill Watkins as he opens up God's word to understand "why we worship." Interpreted in American Sign Language by Michael Fehmer.
Lesson 4: A Hand in the Darkness | Abounding in Hope (ASL)
How do Christians look at death? You have probably lost someone that you hold dear; someone who still holds half your heart. How do we abound in hope as a Christian through times of loss. Join Bill Watkins as he looks at 4 Bible truths that every person needs to know about dying. Interpreted in American Sign Language by Michael Fehmer.
Lesson 5: What Can the Righteous Do? | Abounding in Hope (ASL)
It seems today that the foundations of righteousness and justice are being removed. Light is being called darkness, and wickedness is promoted. In Psalm 11 the question was asked, "If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?" Join Bill Watkins in looking at what the Bible says to abound in hope and continue in righteousness. Interpreted in American Sign Language by Michael Fehmer.
Lesson 6: Inside Out | Abounding in Hope (ASL)
To abound in hope is to do what God asks in the way He has asked it. For the Lord's church, this means to view our lives, our family, and the lost in the world as precious to God. Join Bill Watkins as he discusses what the Bible says for how the Church can have a balanced view of its role. Interpreted in American Sign Language by Michael Fehmer.
Lesson 7: The Church and God's Eternal Purpose | Abounding in Hope (ASL)
In Ephesians 3, God has told us that His eternal purpose for the Church was "accomplished in Christ Jesus." From before the foundations of the world, God had a plan to provide and care for humanity. Today we can abound in hope that God's eternal purpose is demonstrated in the establishment of His Church. Join Bill Watkins as he looks into the riches and depth of the Bible concerning God's eternal purpose. Interpreted in American Sign Language by Michael Fehmer.
Abounding in Hope (ASL) Program

Struggling to find hope? In a world ravaged by a pandemic, division, and darkness, it can be hard to see any reason to cling to hope. In this 7-lesson series, Bill Watkins explores how God offers abundant hope even in the most trying times. Interpreted in American Sign Language by Michael Fehmer.